The Gambler (2014)

The Gambler was a difficult film to rate. It was a movie that not everyone is going to like because not everyone is going to relate to Mark Wahlberg's character. It was a hard movie to understand. After seeing this movie you will either love it or hate it. There is really no in between. You really had to connect with the main character and his personality, and that's not possible for everyone. I really enjoyed the film because i really connected with it, but that is not going to be the case for everyone. I would highly recommend seeing it just to take the chance of loving it. Just like the gambling theme of the movie, seeing the movie will be a gamble for you.

The Gambler is a poignant tale of a man who is in the grips of one of life's worst addictions. The Gambler is moving in several ways in that you find yourself feeling for the man's family and friends because they are dragged into his dark world as he struggles with a demon that has cost him everything. At the same time you are not only hoping that he will do the right thing and get out as he is given opportunities to do, but you are also fearing for the mans personal safety because he squanders opportunities to pay off an ever mounting debt to men that will stop at nothing to collect. Wahlberg plays the part of the gambler perfectly as do John Goodman and Michael Kenneth Williams as a couple of lone sharks who allow him to get deeper and deeper into the abyss of his addiction. The ending is comforting in knowing that he finally breaks free and will now be able to pursue a normal life with a new love that he has found. Unfortunately, counting on that one last big bet to get yourself out is seldom how it works in real life. The end is dramatic yes, but realistic no. The Gambler is a movie that is well worth watching, but it may hit home for many families who have a loved one who struggles with this terrible addiction.

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